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What is a dissertation? June 30, 2017 By: Neighthan To: Dissertation Writing
What is a dissertation?

Students who are already in graduate school have at least heard the term dissertation. If they are in UK schools, it is the name for the culminating project to earn a Master’s degree; in U.S. schools, it is the culminating project for a Ph.D. So, the specific dissertation definition depends upon where a student is enrolled.

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How Long Does It Take to Write a Dissertation March 27, 2017 By: Neighthan To: Dissertation Writing
How Long Does It Take to Write a Dissertation

In general, and based upon actual data, the answer to how long it takes to write a dissertation is 12-18 months, but perhaps more, depending on the timeline to collect your research data.
So, let’s take a look at this entire process in terms of the average dissertation project from start to finish.

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How to write an abstract for a dissertation February 03, 2017 By: Neighthan To: Dissertation Writing
How to write an abstract for a dissertation

No doubt, it’s been a “long haul.” That dissertation you began over a year ago, that caused so many sleepless nights, so much frustration, even anger, is now a source of relief and joy – not quite. You have one more task before you submit a year’s worth of toil, sweat and tears to your committee – that abstract.

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Top 5 Approaches to Writing a Dissertation September 26, 2016 By: Neighthan To: Dissertation Writing
Top 5 Approaches to Writing a Dissertation

At the end of your studying years, you are expected to complete a top-notch dissertation, which should summarize all your preparation, and mirror your skills. We could argue that this final paper is a critical work, and, presumably, the most complicated.

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