Changes in Personal Definition of Conflict and Conflict Resolution Style
One of the realities in business that we have to deal with is linked to the fact that in order to be successful, we are expected to work with people, based on their skill set. With this in mind, we are bound to work with people who we do not necessarily like, or maybe tolerate their ideologies. At the end of it, we are expected to come up with ways that will ensure that both competitive advantage and efficiency is met. In a business setting, it is common to come across situations that end up taking stands that are different from that of others. This can be detrimental to the wellbeing of the business and hence deserve quick resolution.
Conflict in business has the potential of hindering appropriate business working conditions. The friction caused by two or more parties taking different stands can be detrimental. These differences can be as a result of personal, political, emotional, or even financial matters. The key point here is that conflict can be a breeding ground for negative outcome in an organization and hence deserve to be resolved in a timely manner. With every passing day in this course, it has been made clear that each and every case of conflict has the tendency of being unique, even though most of them have similar principles that can be analyzed while studying the cases (Clark, 2012). After a rigorous study of these principles, conflict can then be defined as any action that places a person, or people in opposing positions. This can be as a result in difference of ideologies, or even miss communication. Businesses are known to be dynamic in nature and hence the probability of experiencing conflict is relatively almost impossible to avoid.
In the case of conflict, fear stands out to be among one of the strongest element that takes center stage. Most people find themselves in a position where that would opt to flee, or actually face the situation. This is greatly determined by the psychological structuring of the persons involved. Depending on the savior nature of the situation, an individual can opt to choose an appropriate way to handle such situations. The approaches we take can typically be molded, depending on our analysis of the situation. After a rigorous study of conflict, some of the courses, as well as the measures that we can take to resolve them, it is clear that our ability to treasure the importance of sound resolution measures is key (Martin, 2015). Our involvement in the situation can be a motivational factor towards developing peaceful resolution measures, those that would not compromise on the wellbeing of the business.
The way we communicate is likely to determine a lot when talking about conflict resolution. This is based on the notion that clear communication reduces the chances of miscommunication, as well as any setback that can be determined as a result of the same. The way we approach people is bound to have a profound impact on our ability to resolve conflict in a business setting. This can be based on the idea of everyone in that environment being different and hence every case is also bound to be unique. In some cases, conflict can involve numerous parties and hence a resolution approach can involve many people. The ability to develop a conclusive approach to resolve the conflict can be a key to avoiding unwanted situations that can easily result in lowered productivity or even reduced sense of motivation.
From a psychological point of view, conflict resolution is bound to take two distinct approaches. In most cases, people are bound to either flee from the conflict, or face it to resolve it in the best way possible. This concept is predominantly referred to as the fight or flight syndrome. The extent to which we flee or face a situation is also greatly determined by the way we analyze the threat that is brings to the table. More risky or intense situations are bound to come with more extreme reactions. In most cases, situations that put a business at higher risks are expected to be allocated more time and resources towards their resolution. The fight response is generally expected being that we have no option but to face our problems and resolve the same (Martin, 2015). In a business setting, a further study of the way we can handle conflict puts us in a position where we recognize that fleeing from conflicts can be detrimental in our success. Ignoring a conflict cannot be relied on as a viable way of forging an appropriate way forward.
Conflict can be categories in different categories, being that businesses are also expected to have varying challenges. In this specific case, we can be faced a situation where only two people have opposing ideas and hence conflict. As an interested party, we can easily be left with an option where we can forge simple procedures to resolve the same
To a larger extent, conflict in a business setting can at times be viewed as a positive element in the realm. Some conflicts are known to be able to clearly expose elements that can be used to ideally influence some of the decisions in a business. During conflict, some unvoiced elements are always likely to be exposed, making conflicts a matter that deserves keen attention. These forums can be used to strengthen unity among workers. Conflicts can be used as avenues to fully address underlying concerns in one sitting. To a larger extent, the way we handle such cases can determine numerous elements including the far reaching effects of the conflict.
In order to be able to perform a workable conflict resolution venture, Participants ought to keep in mind the idea of the high possibilities of the situation being emotional. This can be as a direct result of baggage. In my renewed thinking, it has become increasingly important to ensure that before we start resolving a situation, it is important to have a clear understanding of the root of the situation. With this in mind, we put ourselves in a better position to get to the bottom of the matter and hence resolve. Before gaining a deep understanding of conflict, avoidance seemed as the preferred option of conflict resolution. In this case, it would be easier to let the problem be handled by other parties, even if it warranted for my involvement (Menkel-Meadow, 2012). After learning more about conflict in the work place, taking a compromising position stands out as the better option.
Compromise, as a tactic of conflict resolution entails one’s ability to look at the bigger picture, and hence allow for others’ opinions to be taken into account, even before what we personally believe. A compromising position also gives us a chance to develop a workable strategic forum that will entail a systematic approach to conflict. Compromise is closely linked to accommodation and this is aligned to the notion of giving attention to the needs of other parties, and incorporating the same when it comes to decision making.
The way we handle conflict is bound to differ, depending on the role that we play in the situation. In a business setting, the first important step involves doing away with emotions. This is based on the fact that most decisions are bound to be made from a logical point of view, rather than emotional. The work setting is bound to involve adults and in this case, the grounds are leveled, making it possible for people to argue out their points in a mature way. The case is totally different while dealing with family matters or with friends. In this case, the first step is reversed and emotions are brought in first. The second key point, regardless of the situation entails listening to the other party’s point of view. This can be a great source of information and hence resolve the issue in a timely fashion. This also gives room for the third step that allows for my involvement, giving me a chance to explain what’s on my mind. At this point, passion about an issue can be of great importance when we want to maximize on bringing forth our stand. The idea of staking what our opinion in a clear manner, after listening to the other point of view can allow for further understanding of the root of the problem (Raines, 2012). The fault exchange can then be polished to solicit for an agreement of both obvious and underlying elements. This can be the only avenue that can be exploited towards ideal conflict resolution methods. The move to work together, sharing our ideas, as well as agreeing on the best way forward has proven to be a well-choreographed strategy to handle conflict.
Conflicts can be very tensed and awkward at some point, being that parties are never on the same page. Initially, it was very challenging to be drawn into a situation where the issue has to be resolved. In order to avoid any tension that come with conflict and its resolution, today, while faced with such a situation, the best option is always to go in and first try and establish the facts surrounding the conflict. The act of identifying the course of the unrest can be used as a way of being familiarized with the party’s point of view (Martin, 2015). Time and patience is a key to getting relevant information. The first stage of involvement go further to investigate and entail asking questions including the time the conflict started, or even the relationship with the other party and the situation at large. The initial stages give room for one to fully identify their role in the whole situation, either as a mediator, or another affected party.
Looking beyond the incident has always been instrumental in resolving conflicts. Through this, we can identify how fast an incident escalated, showing some of the trends that came with the situation. In some cases, an issue could have been identified to have started months prior as a minor miscommunication, but with time, they grow to become major roots for personal attacks. Asking the parties about their take on the whole situation has proven to be a viable strategy when it comes to resolving conflict. In most cases, the parties involved always end up coming up with the best strategies to resolve the issues.
Conflict resolution has always been part of my life being that I come from a relatively large family. With that in mind, I have become very patient after seeing the importance of allowing for time and communication during conflict resolution. Time allows for emotions like anger to be reduced, while allowing the parties to better understand the position of their opponents. Then next key step is always agreeing on the best way forward. Agreements can be sourced from the parties involved, or the responsibility can be given to the mediators (Raines, 2012). In a business setting, this responsibility is often given to the top management, or even trade union leader in case the issue is between the staff and the management body.
There are numerous skills sets and behaviors that are involved in conflict resolution, some of which include patience and professional communication skills. In order to be able to further the ability to professionally and socially resolve conflicts, the two skills seem to make the most sense. Before an issue is resolved, it is only prudent to be able to listen to the whole situation, as well as be an ideal mediator to the people involved (Clark, 2012). Mediation involves giving the parties a chance to express their genuine understanding of the situation, and hence a suitable solution towards resolution can be forged. Proper communication will allow for an opportunity to avoid any miscommunication when dealing with and situation. Patience plays out ideally with communication and helps in getting to the root of all that is taking place. Studying the principles surrounding conflict resolution allows for one to ultimately merge personal characteristics to professional expectations in the numerous situations that they come across. At the end of the day, it is important to be able to resolve conflict situations marching their intensity to the methods applied.
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