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Writer's ID 164570

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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Healthcare&Medicine
  • History
  • Law
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  • English
  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

See what other clients say about this writer

Title: Personality descriptors used in Australian online horse advertisements
Dissertation Chapter - Literature review

September 06, 2020

Great communication throughout, and an excellent document, Fabulous. Thank you.

Health promotion reflective essay
Reflective writing

August 22, 2020

Many thanks for your work

An exploration of therapists’ experiences when supporting women from South Asian communities who are recovering from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse
Dissertation Chapter - Literature review

August 22, 2020

Great job with helping writing up my literature review. I am very pleased with it. I will 100% request you again.

Teamwork in a State Primary School as a means for enhancing productivity. A Case Study.
Dissertation Chapter - Literature review

August 16, 2020

Thank you so much for helping in my literature review. deadline was met and I was satisfied with the final result.

Protocols and guidelines

August 07, 2020

Please can the in text citation be in quotation marks and at the end it should look like this.....(The Open University, 2014, pg6)

Why Masks Should Be Worn

August 04, 2020

Thank you so much for helping me with my expository essay! Great and reliable work.

Communication and Collaboration for Healthcare Leadership

August 03, 2020

This assignment was well done. I made next to no corrections to it. The writer was excellent! It was very refreshing. Very well done. I have noted a significant improvement in the quality of writers. Please keep it up! Thank you

Scholarly Paper #3: Design Thinking - Change Proposal
Term Paper

July 25, 2020

Very well done. Thank you so much.

Reflective Paper - Becoming a researcher - PART 2 OF ORDER ID9770605184
Research Paper

July 23, 2020

Excellent Paper!!

Associated theories within Bowen’s systems

July 13, 2020

The writer did an excellent job. He/She is a top notch writer and should be rated among the top ten that's how good a job they did. I would be honored if they would write more projects for me. Thank you!!!

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