Writer's ID 167152
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Seralini case study
April 07, 2021
Brilliant work - achieved a high grade. Only changed the writing style to my usual style which did not take long
BAM 110 Unit #1 How do businesses make money? What strategies can they use to gain a competitive advantage?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
BAM 110 Unit#2 How are manufacturing inventories different from those of a retailer?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
BAM 110 Unit #4 How do computerized budgeting systems aid firms in the budgeting process?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
GED 120 #1 Do you agree with the authors’ assertion that participation is the most fundamental of the basic distinctions of art? Why? If you disagree, which do you think is the most important and why? Do you have any experiences with art to draw on to support your claims?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
GED 120 #2 Compare Michelangelo’s "David" (Figure 5-8) with Rodin’s "Danaïde" (Figure 5-9). How does each sculptor establish the gender of his figure? Does Rodin achieve more in terms of gender identity by leaving some of the original marble unfinished?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
GED 130 #1 How did Karl Marx predict that the Industrial Revolution would affect and change the nature of European society? Were his predictions correct?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out great
BAM 110 Unit#3 What is the advantage of using comparative statements for financial analysis rather than statements for a single date or period?
March 16, 2021
thanks, worked out fine
BUS370 Action Research Case Study
March 14, 2021
The human endocrine system and nervous system
March 09, 2021
great work graded at an overall pass