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Our Writers

Here at SupremeDissertations.com, our writers all have various professional backgrounds. They may have a degree in law and economy, taught chemistry or literature or worked as bloggers and journalists for various companies. The main idea is that each and every one of them has enough experience to write high-quality content for everyone in need of our services. Constantly writing for the customers, our professional writers are becoming more advanced by the day, due to the fact that they are continuously learning new things while working for SupremeDissertations.com.

How We Hire

When it comes to professional dissertation writers, we don’t hire people very easily. Considering that dissertations are some of the most important written papers of a student’s life, they need to be written flawlessly – regardless of the topic. Therefore, before giving our seal of approval, we go through the following process with each and every one of our writers:

  • Check them for the degrees that they possess, making sure that they are all Ph.D. level.
  • Make them pass several tests where they will prove their command over the English language.
  • Ask them to prove that they understand the peculiarities of academic writing, such as paper structure and formatting styles.
  • Complete a test task on a given topic to show that they can handle the time frame and writing conditions.

As you can see, every applicant needs to prove their worth before becoming part of the team.

Choosing Your Writer

If you have a particular writer whose style you fancy, you have the possibility of choosing them yourself. If you aren’t picky, be sure that we will pick the most suitable ones that have the most knowledge on your topic. Don’t worry if you think that your subject is way too complicated; it’s nothing that our Ph.D. writers haven’t already seen before.

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#PictureWriters IDRatingCompleted ordersStatus 
3212988684.8 / 5123Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3226871954.6 / 5122Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3236957704.77 / 5121Searching for ordersRequest this writer
3246651604.46 / 5120Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3252085464.59 / 5119Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3267001004.55 / 5118Searching for ordersRequest this writer
3276953504.33 / 5117Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3286947064.34 / 5117Searching for ordersRequest this writer
3293120614.07 / 5116Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
3302419264.67 / 5115Open to suggestionsRequest this writer
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