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Writer's ID 244335

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Overall ranking 4.6/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • History
  • IT & Technology
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • English

See what other clients say about this writer

over view of a social problem

April 27, 2020

Ethics in International Business and International Trade Theory
Case study

April 02, 2020

Good job.

Industrial electricity

March 31, 2020

Really happy and pleased with the quality of this writer! Quick to work and amazingly well done. Thank you so much!

Dominant Model of Internet Governance
Research Paper

March 30, 2020

I received a perfect score with a few minor adjustments.

human trafficking
Term Paper

March 29, 2020

Good job


March 22, 2020

great job

DIA - Denver International Airport Expansion
Research Paper

March 22, 2020

2-pages, pro writer and and editor review for University level. Editor review not worth it, there were misspellings and clunky sentences, (using face instead of phase). Some info was incorrect. Articles not fully read. Paper came early and was correct length, but not getting the correct info from the articles is alarming. Since it's only a 2-page paper it wasn't a difficult fix. I wouldn't risk it on a large paper as you'll do a lot of editing.

An Analysis of Costco Entering the Chinese Market
Term Paper

March 09, 2020

Thank you for finishing the requested product. Though it may have been late to my request, I want to say it was a successful paper. I received a passing grade and the instructor was pleased with the outcome. I will recommend to other students, but please do not stress them out with timelines.

an essay about a problem on campusm in a community, or at work

February 22, 2020

Good paper on very short notice, will be using this site again, thank you!!

Critical thinking

February 16, 2020

Super quick response. I was travelling when i requested help and by the time i got to my destination is was completed. perfect.

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