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Writer's ID 164570

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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Healthcare&Medicine
  • History
  • Law
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  • English
  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

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Note: Choose only one of the following topics for your essay.How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels? • What can be done to improve the college graduation rate? • How can a city promote the use of public transportation? • What can be done to promote better health for the American population?

February 26, 2019


3 task

February 25, 2019

The Risky Business of Hiring Stars

February 25, 2019

Leadership. HNC Level 7 health and social services
Case study

February 13, 2019

It was a fantastic job done. Thank you so much.

Study of supervised prastice. SSP.

January 17, 2019

This essay was a difficult one and 2 previous writers failed to complete it. This writer persevered and completed an excellent essay, exactly in a style I would have written myself. Everything I had asked for and much more was incorporated into the writing. This was an essay full of ethics, principles and boundaries and I feel the writer captured it all. Thank you very much and I would definately reccommend.

Employment Laws and Topics in a Unionized Work Environment

January 16, 2019

Outstanding work

Extra Credit

January 06, 2019

I highly recommend this writr

Expatriate Assignments

November 14, 2018

Very good thanks:)

President Obama gave on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

November 13, 2018

great job


November 11, 2018

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