Writer's ID 200262
Open to suggestions
Technical/Humanitarian skills:
- Political Science
- Religion & Theology
- Communications&Media
- E-commerce
- Finance
- Investment
- Engineering
- Healthcare&Medicine
- Agriculture
- Environmental Science
- Astronomy
- Anthropology
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Other
- Geology
- Biology
- Construction Engineering
- Education
- Communication Strategies
- Journalism
- Statistics
- Trade
- Accounting
- English
- Pathogenesis of disease
- History
- Law
- Medicine & Dentistry
- Pedagogy
- Advertising
- Public Relations
- Economics
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Logistics
- IT & Technology
- Chemistry
- Literature
- Nutrition
- Criminal justice
- Physics
- Management
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Geography
- Marketing
- Psychology
- Business
See what other clients say about this writer
July 19, 2020
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
It was an auto-feedback assignment, and not one that was graded directly by the Professor, so I earned a 78/100 on the assignment.
July 15, 2020
thank you
July 12, 2020
The paper was written within the proper wording length, but on page 470 of ch 20, the instructions state: that citations should be indicated with superscript numbers in the text (at the end of a sentence), with the corresponding references appearing as numbered endnotes. Could you please have the writer make the necessary corrections? Thank you kindly. *****Revised version was perfect
July 05, 2020
July 05, 2020
Thank you!
June 28, 2020
The writer is amazing in clarification and responding back promptly. Amazing job, so professional and on point.
June 24, 2020
Thank you! Thorough research.
June 14, 2020