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Writer's ID 177811

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Overall ranking 4.23/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Literature
  • Healthcare&Medicine
  • History
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  • Political Science
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  • English
  • Nursing
  • Biology
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology

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Positive Thinking and 101 Ways
Reaction paper

November 14, 2020

Perfect! Thank you

Alcohol usage should be controlled

October 15, 2020

Great paper and content.

Are nuclear weapons still a necessary tool of US foreign policy, or should the US nuclear arsenal be phased out?
Term Paper

October 15, 2020

Great! Writer provided information on the topic needed. Thank you!

Write a 1000-word essay about the story “Bloodchild” written by Octavia Butler.

October 05, 2020

well done

final essay philosophy

September 23, 2020


Covid 19's Impact on Sports Business Industry
Research Paper

September 11, 2020

it was a great paper

American Military History: War of 1812
Power Point presentation

September 08, 2020

Thank you!!

Infection Prevention and Control

September 04, 2020

The content was excellent. I needed a revision of the paper to be specific to the assignment and not too general. The revision was perfect. However, there were quite a few grammatical errors that I had to correct, but I was able to fix them before I turned the paper in. Overall excellent work!

Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Research Paper

August 13, 2020

Good Writer and thanks for the help.

Negotiation Plan Development
Power Point presentation

July 02, 2020

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