Writer's ID 210624
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Overall ranking 4.68/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:
- Literature
- History
- Education
- Art
- Management
- IT & Technology
- Political Science
- Business
- Marketing
- Communication Strategies
- Economics
- Movies
- E-commerce
- English
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
See what other clients say about this writer
In the 21st century, youth crime is more linked to the three social factors, i.e.., culture, media, and peers, than the other two factors, i.e., family and school. (Use the idea of agents of socialization in the course.)
Annotated bibliography
March 13, 2020
it was perfectly done.
Impact of technology and social media on people.
Research Paper
February 29, 2020
Build an argument
February 19, 2020
What do Berger and Luckman's idea of "taken for grantedness" inform their critical analysis of the "ideology of everyday life"?
February 13, 2020
great job
Leadership and management in the non-profit organization
Annotated bibliography
February 06, 2020
Great Job
Planning Model
January 30, 2020
Deviant behavior
January 22, 2020
Korea - Post 1900
Research Paper
December 12, 2019
Once again, an excellently written paper. I would've gotten a perfect score but there was a punctuation issue somewhere, however that's an oversight on my part for not proofreading. Thank you once again!
Unit IV Article Critique
Article critique
November 30, 2019
Literary Essay on the Theme Good and Evil in the novel Sula
November 16, 2019
Loved the essay! writer followed outline perfectly