Writer's ID 228588
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Overall ranking 4.57/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:
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- Environmental Science
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- Literature
- Nutrition
- Criminal justice
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- Mathematics
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- Psychology
- Business
See what other clients say about this writer
What are the merits or drawbacks of parliamentary systems of government compared to presidential systems?
July 19, 2020
Good essay, needed a proof read though
Analyze the NASW Code of Ethicd
July 19, 2020
Awesome writer I will be using again
surrogacy critical review
Critical thinking
July 14, 2020
good work
Current event including substance abuse
Research Paper
July 13, 2020
I loved my writer !! Completed my paper two days prior to the due date and also finished early even after I ordered an additional page the same day it was completed !
Examine the History of Social Work practice
July 11, 2020
I would love for you to write my next paper! Please
2015 FIFA Case
Case study
July 08, 2020
A+ work for a Great price.
Write a feature article as a personal reflection explaining principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and how “self” and “community” are interrelated.
July 06, 2020
Great work!
Using Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura,1986), write a 1500-word essay that examines factors that impact the individual conduct of staff in ONE of the case studies on p.5-9.
June 30, 2020
perfect :)
Homeland Security: DIA
June 28, 2020
Evolution of Leadership Theories
Research Paper
June 18, 2020