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Writer's ID 198126

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Overall ranking 4.6/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Healthcare&Medicine
  • Law
  • Education
  • Management
  • Nursing
  • Agriculture
  • Anthropology
  • Environmental Science
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Criminal justice

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Students use of L2

September 27, 2019

The overall content was good but there were a lot of grammar and punctuation mistakes which I don't really mind, but there were a couple of more serious issues such as several words misused that had the totally wrong meaning for the context. Also, there were several paragraphs which repeated further down in the text. Still 4 stars due to the extensive amount of sources used for the literary review and hard work that had clearly gone in.

Resources and Challenges of the greater Dongjiang River Basin Territory.

July 21, 2019

Many Thanks, can highly recommend this writer.

The rural-urban transsect as method for the analysis and design of territories.
Dissertation Chapter - Discussion

July 01, 2019

The writer is very helpful, like is writing style, very easily going. Happy, to work with this writer again.

Urbanization of remote rural mountain settlements in China
Dissertation Chapter - Literature review

July 01, 2019

The writer is very helpful, like is writing style, very easily going. Happy to work with this writer again.

Intersectional Justice

April 30, 2019

You're a life-saver. Thank you!

Pathogens and parasites: Illustrating the function of dicyemid cells in the host of Sepia officinalis and whether their relationship is truly parasitic

April 18, 2019

Altough I responded to your message late you still provided the results that I needed, thank you

History of Engineering (Thomas Edison)

April 01, 2019

Perfect! Thank you!

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