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Writer's ID 201916

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Overall ranking 4.53/5
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Technical/Humanitarian skills:

  • Healthcare&Medicine
  • History
  • Law
  • Education
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Political Science
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • Economics
  • English
  • Nursing
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

See what other clients say about this writer

Financial accounting

August 15, 2020

Thank you for a great work!

Challenges to form a question

August 15, 2020

Excellent work! Thanks a lot.

“Nokia Corporation Management”
Research Paper

August 10, 2020


Digital Citizenship Presentation
Power Point presentation

August 09, 2020

Thank you for a wonderful power point presentation and speaker notes. No issues to report. Did an excellent job in a timely manner. 5 out of 5 stars

Venezuela socio-economic theory, law, model or policy
Research Paper

July 27, 2020

Very detailed and well constructed product. I'm very pleased. thank you and thank you for the early completion it is very much appreciated.

Law, Rights and Context

July 27, 2020

Fantastic work !

Discussion: Emerging Technologies in Health Care

July 26, 2020

A+ writer

WK-6-D Most important economic challenge as population expands

July 23, 2020

Thank you for the great product and ahead of schedule submission.

WK-6-B Near term outlook for growth in a large developing nation

July 23, 2020

Thank you for the outstanding product. Everything was perfect and ahead of schedule.


July 19, 2020

Superior work! I recommend this writer.

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